Yo conjugo en tres tiempos


Sunday, March 15, 2009


My Lab and I don't like rainy days. EVERYTHING is a big mess: We cannot play outside, the yard is muddy, I am moody...It is the rain, isn't it?
I went to a seminar on portrait lighting at ASAP this Saturday. I love to go to the Aperture Studio and see all the HUGE softboxes hanging from the ceiling plus all the photographic gear around. I also learned about beauty dishes, portrait domes, honeycomb grids...OMG! Lighting patterns are still a mystery to me. Photography is such an adventure in so many, many ways... I admire Carder's work, so I am happy I attended to the seminar. ASAP is also my favorite store in town. That is not surprising if we consider that lately all I think of is about cameras, lenses, lightboxes, softboxes, external hard drives, filters and so on.
Apropos of wishes and good things in spite of the rain, I am very happy that two Venezuelan photographers who are part of the FDV group and the "Proyecto 52 1/2 semanas" have received very interesting work proposals and recognition this week. Congratulations to Eleazar and Eduardo from the bottom of my heart! You deserve it!
I am very thankful to the FDV people. I don't have words to explain how much I have learned, how much I have laughed and how incredible it is to be part of the 52 1/2 semanas Project. Day by day we share a huge amount of information, creativity, enthusiasm and love for photography. It is unbelievable!
Synergy, that's the word!

Sinergia, sinergia y risa, y pasion y metafora y mil visiones!