Keeping a blog updated is not always easy.
I just discovered that.
I have been doing a lot of things ....and now I just would like to put some words together to tell the story...but where and will I start?
I have been doing different things related to photography, to start with.
In the first place, I've covered some events, like baptisms and graduations which includes portraiture, group pictures (!!!! the me!) and ...being there...trying to catch something special...the butterfly..I I need that to feel that I am doing my work....
In the "Proyecto 52 1/2 (FDV)" we have been working on different photographic challenges, like flare, silhouettes, humor photography and location portraiture.
We also did some work with poetry and pictures, which I loved to death, and a very special project addressing domestic violence or more specifically violence against women.
My picture, by the way, was selected by Amnistia Internacional Venezuela among others as a potential idea/image for a future campaign. That was very rewarding to feel you could help others to help with an idea or a photograph.
On the other hand, I was offered to exhibit some of my work at an artsy store in town. It has been an exciting process that is taking lots of work. Indeed, to get even a small print matted involves a decision making process: selection, proof, type of printing paper, size, mat color...and write a note conveying in few words the message of the did you find that leaf? Where and when was that sunset?. I haven't finished yet, but I certainly hope I will do that in the coming weeks.
I also got new photographic equipment and have been reading manuals, learning tutorials and getting used to my new Canon. I must say that I am in love with my camera and my new fast lens. How couldn't I? Your camera, lenses and even your monitor become your eyes' extensions. It is so wonderful to see beyond reach! I also attended a Canon seminar two weeks ago. It was a breeze...just to get used to the camera. A great review for me.
I am about to finish my course in professional photography at the New York Institute of Photography. I think the material is great. Lighting, however, has been very difficult for me to learn, as a distance learner. I think a subject like lighting requires "hands on" learning, but I also have discovered that learning about lighting is something that never has to be with equipment but it has also to be with the ability to "see" it with your eyes.
In my last unit at the NYIP there is a chapter dedicated to nude and glamour photography. That was new for me. Not less fascinanting was the unit that includes photomicroscopy!
With my friends at the " I've learned about new techniques, like making a bokeh
using high speed photography and I have realized that I know very very little about Photoshop.
At this time in my career, I still have a lot to learn about exposure and composition to get involved in deep editing, but I think that PS could be a very very creative tool to express things that escape reality.
I may love to get into that in the future...
Ah! I want a Holga camera also...I'll keep you posted.
Hope you enjoy this trip with me!
Talk to y'all soon!